


━━ a., v. 出世コースにいる; (目標達成のために)突貫工事[操業]を行う.fast-tracker n.?fast1



━━ n. 染料; 染色, 色合い (tint). of the deepest [blackest] dye 極端な; 最も悪質な.━━ v. (dyed; dyeing) 染まる[める].dyed-in-the-wool ━━ a. きっすいの, 筋金入りの (thoroughgoing).dye?ing

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'movie', '/dic',
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 ━━ n. 染色(法); 染物業.dy?er

if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {

} else {
'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0',
'width', '24',
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'src', 'dic',
'flashVars', 'mp3=/voice2/D/02030776.mp3',
'quality', 'high',
'pluginspage', 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer',
'align', 'middle',
'play', 'true',
'loop', 'true',
'scale', 'showall',
'wmode', 'transparent',
'devicefont', 'false',
'id', 'dic',
'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
'name', 'dic',
'menu', 'true',
'allowFullScreen', 'false',
'movie', '/dic',
'salign', ''
); //end AC code

 ━━ n. 染物屋; 染物業者.dye?stuff 染料.dye?works 染物工場.

アラド戦記 rmt | ローズ オンライン rmt | RF rmt |


Pattern of China's third-quarter online game - arcade mop

Ding Lei changed the Giants first Super City NetEase Yuzhu

Sheena's blog Open source: blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e0e917901000aez.html

Earlier this month iResearch iResearch Consulting is the third-quarter report, "Online Games 2007 announced a year in China." According to the report showed that 3.04 billion yuan, the first three quarters of this year, China online game market is a grand 560 million and 460 million NetEase, travel (old) 420 million, broken down the top three market share of giants.

As the best variety at the forefront of today's equity market share, China's online game revenues of the three basic concepts that are only released quarterly. Is November 28 but was soon released on a magnificent second-quarter earnings of three numbers a little late.

If, of course, also share an online game is grand, still occupies the position of the top two overall NetEase and deputy press secretary of the Giants third place can be called a happy mind: Join 2005 Online Games industrial city just Yuzhu just two years after the first report, to it, "brother" Ding Lei is leading, which has changed the whole pattern is completed, China's online game industry.

NetEase: By the way Zoudie

571100000 yuan, sales of online games, to 468700000 yuan, down, second from the previous quarter 475100000 yuan in the third quarter sales of Netease, the gross profit margin of 89.4% network game, lower than the previous quarter , 90.2%. NetEase net profit in the quarter, 260200000 yuan, many of the previous quarter and lower than the original 312600000, 314800000, and the yuan rise.

The struggle of the current year, the decrease in net profit in NetEase online games business is not irrelevant. From last year until now, the NetEase three new works: one, however, has introduced "a cavalier Tang" If you do not meet expectations, "World 2" is to reproduce the orthodox are recycled a series of lies, "Journey to the west line 3" lower than these estimates continue to be a very common track, the team has high expectations for the performance of new products, such as operations for many years that is, "Journey West" and "Final Fantasy Journey to the West" is a good performance, after all passed the peak of glory many times already, the missing are facing a dilemma about that.

, "", NetEase is "Dream" to provide much more revenue than any other company, the current is Netease portal NetEase more lies, the ability of his years as Head landing, and the current the role that the past seven years, is playing an online game company.

To intelligence data said the number of 2006 NetEase's market share decline was from, how is that an emerging trend. In 2006 the third quarter, Netease is all the other competitors have still topped the list, but 2006 started in the fourth quarter, Netease is a long time and then roll to bounce back from a reader ground that is beyond the period. Now, the NetEase also involved two place, in addition to total sales, that is, the three giants of the leading figures of the second benefit, the NetEase online games business, they are replaced by the giants in the fall Masu. Meanwhile, just huge, "travel" Netease is a competitor, if you make changes to the product, just like a game of NetEase's revenue of online games that we support that shows you know, a huge NetEase is complete and comprehensive system of mixtures is beyond the length veil issue is a matter of time.

Giants: an impressive

153400000 yuan rose 164.2 percent, 370.2 million yuan or 9.5%, compared to an increase in the previous quarter growth of one large network in the quarter, total sales of 405.2 million yuan, the. In the third quarter, more than 359.8 million yuan last year, to 217.5 million yuan, gross profit, increased by 28.2 million yuan the previous quarter. RMB290.2 million and net income rose 114.9 million yuan 152.6 percent, 264.2 million yuan, an increase of 9.8 percent growth the previous quarter.

This quarter, "Giant" at the end of the third quarter, excluding the market, a huge network of "Journey of the official version" and "journey" has launched a runtime version. Among them, the original prop "journey" as the introduction of additional consumption patterns and the latter is the main product of outstanding performance this quarter, "Journey" does not belong to the first three quarters of sales growth ensure the network is huge.

Results, we "travel" revenue growth is not dependent on you can see that the online game to achieve the accumulation of a few. However, the fact that the sequential slightly below average and peak concurrent users online "in June 2007, changed the rules of the game," third quarter "journey" of the 'gold farm activities reduce. However, active charge accounts, thanks to this game, the average revenue per user, revenue and profit huge network, but make sure that you continue to upgrade this quarter, will also be upgraded to "travel "The show is a user with a very high viscosity.

Yuzhu the identity of the city involved in these medical products business next year, he is a powerful marketing and wrist, in just a few years is that melatonin, Gold Partner, was able to achieve industry-leading position. Now, the online gaming industry is closely watching changes in the last two inputs of the network giant's market share in the year, the city also copy it Yuzhu in this "" you can find an impressive line.

November 1, the New York Stock Exchange to land successfully on a huge network, this company is Yuzhu City 5 billion in market value of the grand exchange companies will market capitalization of China's largest online gaming and then. Today's earnings announcement as well as the first three quarters, and a huge increase in weight for the future development of the thickness. "NetEase over from the initial giant is the first step away," the fact is that as an adult one day, more and more close.

Coming years, the online gaming market, the grand "Heaven", "Deddooaaraibuoru" looking, "the eternal Aiontawa", the NetEase "Final Fantasy Journey to the West", "Journey West", "West Travel 3 "3 new movies are huge," Giant, "" King of Kings 3 "will be released in stages as new products. Meanwhile, the pattern of China's online game industry, is no doubt from the Competition will be fierce new change.

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